The Question:

Who is Jesus?

“I believe in Christ, like I believe in the sun — not because I can see it, but by it I can see everything else.”

— C. S. Lewis

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

— Jesus: John 14:6 NIV

Jesus is quite clearly the most influential, divisive and sought-after figure in human history. More books, movies, poems, and songs have been written about Him. He has (quite literally) divided history, drawing over 2 billion people to claim to follow Him today. Millions have claimed to be transformed by an encounter with the resurrected Jesus.

Jesus’ life is marked by miracles, incredible teachings, and radical love. However, the crux of Jesus’ story is his death and resurrection. By claiming to be God, Jesus died a brutal death at the hands of the Roman Empire. While this may seem like a simple historical event, those closest to Jesus saw something much deeper and richer happening — Jesus died to restore our relationship with God, forgive his enemies (including us, who largely live ignoring God), and establish a new way to know God, as Father.

Then, in the most unlikely turn of events, three days later Jesus’ followers discover an empty tomb — the body missing, the graveclothes left behind — and encounter the risen Jesus himself. They touched his hands, saw the nail holes, and believed.

For two thousand years, people have built their lives on this extraordinary claim: that this man who was crucified, then raised to life, was (and is) GOD WITH US. His death made possible a scandalous level of radical forgiveness, where we can come to God — faults, failings and all. Then, with “a thrill of hope”, we can discover that his resurrection means there is life to be found… life to the full.

No other question in life is worth exploring to the same degree: who is Jesus? When you find the answer, it might just change your life.


Want to know more?

One of the best ways to explore faith is to join an alpha course. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone’s welcome. It runs online, in cafés, churches, universities, homes—you name it. No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have three key things in common: hospitality, a talk and good conversation.

Our church will regularly run Alpha courses in the time ahead. If you are interested, get in touch and we would love to help you explore faith.


Connect with God’s Word.

Interested in reading the Bible?

If you’re new to faith, one of the best ways to connect with God is by starting to read the Bible. The Bible can be daunting at first, but a great place to start are the Gospels — the accounts of Jesus’ life. Open to the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. We also recommend using an easy-to-read translation like the New Living Translation (NLT).

We would love to provide you with a Bible! Let us know, and we can give you a new Bible for free. You can also download the Bible app here.




About Corowa